Information for SRC students, faculty, and staff.
**COVID-19 Testing at Spoon River College has now been discontinued as of May 12, 2022.**
Update: February 15, 2022
- In-person classes, at the request of the instructor
- At the request of individuals when meeting in the personal workspaces of those individuals
Spoon River College COVID-19 Task Force
Update: January 13, 2022
- Return to campus testing
- Updated quarantine/isolation guidance
- Updated measures to opt out of weekly testing (boosters)
- The re-entry testing period testing period students will occur from January 18 through January 28.
- All students who report to campus the week of 1/18-1/21 and 1/24-1/28, regardless of vaccine status, are expected to compete SHIELD or other off-site PCR testing (at-home tests are excluded).
- The fastest means for SHIELD testing is through making an appointment prior to arriving at the testing center, although walk-ins will be able to test. Appointments should be scheduled through the SHIELD testing portal. The agency code for SRC students and employees is: tgogatlv
- Information about SHIELD testing and clinic hours is available at the top of this web page.
- Because the College is closed Monday, January 17th, a make-up clinic will be held at the Rushville Center on Wednesday, January 19th from 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
- If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days, contact to submit proof of COVID positive test and bypass the testing requirement.
If the positive test was not a SHIELD test result, complete the COVID positive case form.
- Stay home for 5 days.
- If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can return to work/school.
- Continue to wear a mask while on campus using extra precaution the first five days following isolation.
- If you have a fever, continue to stay home until your fever resolves.
- Continue to wear a mask while on campus using extra precaution for the first ten days following notice of close contact.
- Test on day 5, if possible.
- If you develop symptoms, get a test and stay home.
- Stay home for 5 days. After that, continue to wear a mask on campus using extra precaution the first five days following isolation.
Spoon River College COVID-19 Task Force
Update: September 24, 2021
As previously communicated, all employees and students who physically come to campus are REQUIRED to participate in COVID-19 testing. Individuals may opt-out of testing by providing proof of vaccination. Vaccinated employees and students can provide proof of vaccination on these forms and are eligible for cash incentives.
The goal of on-campus testing is to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, curb outbreaks in schools and communities, and keep students in our classrooms.
Testing will begin on all four SRC Campuses in October. Testing is required (1) time weekly for individuals who do not want to receive the vaccination or who have failed to show proof of vaccination. Fully vaccinated individuals will not be required to complete the SHIELD testing. Fully vaccinated individuals may also choose to use SHIELD testing for health or personal reasons.
Due to staffing, training, and supply issues, we will be using a “phased approach” to implement our on-campus testing sites.
- Canton Campus will begin testing students and employees Monday, October 4th.
- Macomb Campus testing will begin Tuesday, October 12th.
- Rushville Campus testing will begin Monday, October 18th.
- Havana Campus testing will begin Tuesday, October 19th.
Each Campus will have designated days and times for testing, and weekly testing will continue until the State mandate is lifted. Students and Employees will use the SHIELD software, Point and Click, to create individual accounts and make appointments for testing. Appointments are encouraged, but walk-ins are also welcome as long as they are during normal testing hours. Create your SHIELD account.
All students and employees that use our free on-campus testing SHIELD sites, will be required to sign a consent/waiver, allowing SHIELD IL and the Spoon River College COVID-19 Task Force to handle their COVID-19 information.
All information collected including demographic and test results is kept private and confidential and is protected by HIPAA. The testing results and demographic information is required to be collected by the State mandate. All information will be used to monitor COVID-19 within our campus communities and to prevent the spread. As with all other COVID-19 testing facilities, test results will only be shared with state and local public health officials.
Individuals who have not submitted proof of vaccination will receive a text and text reminders for testing from Cleared 4 Work (
FREE SHIELD Illinois COVID testing on-campus, days and hours of operation:
Canton Campus (begins Monday October 4th), Conference Center, Engle Building: Monday 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Tuesday 1-5 p.m., Wednesday 7 a.m.-12 p.m.
Macomb Campus (begins Tuesday October 12th), First Floor Lounge: Tuesday 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Wednesday 1-6 p.m.
Rushville Center (begins Monday October 18th), 100: Monday 3-5:30 p.m.
Havana Center (beings Tuesday October 19th), H106: Tuesday 2-4:30 p.m.
On-site tests, for students and employees, are automatically reported on the SHIELD Point and Click account. Results are reported to the College AND to the individual, within 24-72 hours of the test.
External, off-campus testing option: Employees and students who wish to test off-campus, may do so. Individuals who test off-site are responsible for any cost for the off-campus test. They are also responsible for testing weekly and submitting their test results each week. Test results must be current, within the last 7 days, and must be a PCR test. Some test locations have an extended turn-around-time for test results and not all test sites are free, so make sure you are aware of this information when testing off campus. Please submit your test results by emailing them to If the information you submit is not sufficient you will be contacted by a member of the COVID-19 Taskforce.
Individuals who have not provided proof of vaccination and are not participating in weekly COVID-19 PCR testing are subject to the appropriate discipline process which could include sanctions up to and including suspension and/or dismissal/discharge/termination. Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order No. 87 requires Spoon River College to exclude persons, from any SRC Building, who do not wish to comply.
All individuals regardless of vaccine status must continue to wear masks when on campus.
If you have questions regarding COVID-19 visit our resource and campus information page.
Update: September 9, 2021
Spoon River College Students,
On September 3rd, Governor Pritzker announced a two-week extension of the vaccine requirements as schools work to implement COVID-19 protocols. All higher education personnel and students will now be required to receive the initial dose of COVID-19 vaccine by September 19, 2021 and the second dose 30 days after the first (for two dose vaccines). This extension was made to allow schools more time to implement testing protocols for individuals who are unable or unwilling to receive the vaccine. The Executive Order may be reviewed here.
We anticipate onsite SHIELD testing will go live September 28th. Information regarding where and how to test will be shared with you in the near future.
Vaccinated employees and students can provide proof of vaccination on these forms and are eligible for cash incentives. Fully vaccinated individuals will not be required to complete the SHIELD testing. Fully vaccinated individuals may choose to use SHIELD testing for health or personal reasons. Only certain members of the COVID-19 Task Force will have access to Individuals’ vaccine status, which is only for the purpose of testing mandates and reporting to the State of Illinois. No individual vaccine information will be shared with parents, employees, students or community members.
All individuals regardless of vaccine status must continue to wear masks when on campus.
If you have questions regarding COVID-19 visit our COVID-19 resource and campus information page.
Thank you for your cooperation. Together we will overcome this pandemic.
Spoon River College COVID-19 Task Force
Update: September 1, 2021
Spoon River College Students,
As you are aware, on Thursday, August 26th, the Governor signed COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87. The Executive Order requires vaccinations for all higher education employees and students unless one can opt out for medical or “sincerely held” religious belief reasons. Statements from the Governor’s Office indicate that higher education institutions may decide to require weekly testing in lieu of vaccinations for individuals even if there is no religious or medical opt out reason. Spoon River College has elected to move forward with the less restrictive option of vaccinate or weekly testing.
Spoon River College is moving toward compliance with the Executive Order. SRC will be working with SHIELD Illinois to test individuals who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. SHIELD Illinois is a testing program/infrastructure that uses saliva samples to test for COVID-19. Since the issuance of the Governor’s Executive Order, SHIELD Illinois has been inundated with requests from Higher Education Institutions. They are working with schools toward implementation as quickly as possible.
In the upcoming weeks, the SRC COVID-19 Task Force and Information Services Department will work with SHIELD Illinois to devise a plan for on-campus testing and implementation. As logistics and more information is gathered, it will be shared.
At this time, on site testing will not be available the week of September 7th. Information regarding when, where, and how to test will be provided at a later date once testing is available. All individuals, regardless of vaccine status must continue to wear masks when on campus. If you have questions regarding COVID-19, visit our resource and campus information page.
Only certain members of the COVID-19 Task Force will have access to individuals’ vaccine status, which is only for the purpose of testing mandates and reporting to the State of Illinois. No vaccine information will be shared with parents, employees, students or community members.
To find information on where you can receive your COVID-19 vaccine, please visit
Thank you for your understanding and patience as SRC progresses towards compliance with the Executive Order.
Spoon River College COVID-19 Task Force