Student working at a computer in the LRC

Are online courses for you?​

Do you have the self-discipline to be an independent learner? Are your reading and writing skills up to the prerequisite levels required for the course? What is your purpose for taking an online course? If you aren’t sure about yourself in some of these areas, your instructor or an advisor can help you clarify objectives and focus your efforts. If you are not sure if an online course is right for you, take the OASIS self-assessment quiz (Online Assessment System for Internet Students). Another good place to start is our Online Learning FAQ. If you have reservations about taking an online course, review our other course delivery options.

Getting Started Checklist

Register for Class

New Students – If you are enrolling in your first class at SRC or have not been a student here for more than two years, please complete an application in order to update your information ​in our records before enrolling in courses. Go to the ​Admissions page to begin.

  • PLEASE NOTE: All students taking a course for the first time at SRC need to complete the Canvas Student Orientation before they will have access to their course(s). For more information, please see the Canvas New Student Orientation page.

Returning Students – If you are currently a student at SRC and enrolled in a program of study, contact your advisor. If you are not enrolled in a program and do not know who your advisor is, please go to the Admissions page to contact the appropriate campus location for assistance.

National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements -- NC-SARA -- Approved Institution logo

Out-of-State Students – Spoon River College is a member of the MHEC State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (M-SARA). This agreement allows for out-of-state students to enroll in distance learning classes at other SARA member institutions. If you wish to enroll in any of our online courses and reside in a state other than Illinois, please review the following link which lists SARA member institutions by state. If you reside in a state that is not listed, you may not register for an online course. See the Student Complaint Procedures section below for more information.

Complete the Canvas Student Orientation

Canvas is where you will access your courses via a Learning Management System. It’s important to understand how to navigate, submit assignments, check your grades and use the communication tools. All students taking a course for the first time at SRC need to complete the Canvas Student Orientation before they will have access to their course(s). For more information, please see the Canvas Student Orientation page.

Acquire your textbook

You can purchase the correct texts and other required materials through the SRC Bookstore. You may purchase texts in person at any SRC location — Canton, Macomb, Havana and Rushville or purchase texts online. Checks or money orders should be made payable to the SRC Bookstore. Charge cards are accepted. Books can be shipped to your home or office, but there is a shipping charge. When purchasing materials, please make the bookstore aware that you are enrolled in distance education courses.

Contact your instructor

Many instructors teaching an online class will send out a welcome email before the course begins. Watch for these communications in your SRC email account. Instructors will not send information to your personal email account so please check your SRC student account regularly. For more information, see Student Email Instructions.

Technical requirements

See the Technology Requirements page as well as the “Computer/Mobile Requirements for Canvas” section in the online orientation site.

Student Complaint Procedures

Any full or part-time student may submit a complaint to the Dean of Student Services. The Dean will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, conduct an investigation, and respond to the student in a reasonable amount of time.

Out-of-state online students should follow the same procedure. If the issue is not resolved locally first, out-of-state online students may file a complaint with the Illinois Community College Board. In compliance with the Federal Department of Education regulations, Spoon River College provides access to a list of State Agencies with contact information for each state.​​​​​​​​​​​​​