Info graphic with image of an instructor helping an adult student with a paper in the LRC, and text reading: Call for more information! 309-649-6278

Frequently Asked Questions​​​

  • Where are classes offered?
    Classes are offered at various times at all Spoon River College locations in Canton, Havana, Macomb, and Rushville.
  • How do I enroll in GED® Classes?
    To enroll, you must be 17 and withdrawn from high school. The first step in enrollment is to schedule an orientation meeting with an advisor to complete required paperwork, and complete placement assessments.
  • How much does it cost?
    GED® classes are free. The cost to take the GED® tests is $36 per test module. A total of 4 test modules comprise the GED® Test. Test fees must be paid at the time of registration. An additional fee will be required by the Regional Office of Education for the county of residence in order to obtain an Illinois High School Equivalency Certificate ($10) and/or an official transcript of GED® scores ($10) after successful completion of the GED® tests and the Illinois Constitution test.
  • How long will it take to earn my GED®?
    Everyone learns at a different pace. Motivation and good attendance make a huge difference in how much you accomplish! Test results will be reviewed with you to help plan your instruction.
  • How will I know when I’m ready to take the GED® test?
    Your instructor and program advisor will discuss the GED® Test with you and will give you a practice test. Your score on the practice test, along with the recommendation of your instructor, will help you know when you are ready for the GED®.
  • What if I have special learning needs?
    Spoon River College provides instruction for all students no matter the ability level. You are encouraged to talk to your advisor about any special needs and accommodations that would facilitate your learning.

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ESL – English as a Second Language

English as a Second Language (ESL) is a language program designed for adults, 16 years and older, whose native language is not English. The ESL program helps students improve their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills from literacy to the advanced level. These skills are necessary for success in the workplace, the community, and for future course work. Students improve English skills while also learning about American culture.

Before entry into the program, a student must obtain an English skills assessment for accurate placement. Contact us for further information.

Out-of-School-Youth Program

Spoon River College has partnered with Career Link Region 15 and Workforce Innovation Board of Western Illinois Region 14 to improve job readiness skills for those students residing in the Spoon River College District.

The program is designed for 17-24 year old students who are deficient in math and/or reading and meet criteria for enrollment. The program offers incentives for students to bring up their levels while working toward passing the GED®.

Career Link logo - An Illinois workNet Center
Workforce Innovation Board of Western Illinois logo

Adult Volunteer Literacy Program

The Literacy Program offers services to adults in the College district. With the help of trained volunteers, our programs are centered upon improving the reading, writing, and math level of each individual while understanding their unique needs and goals. We provide volunteer-based, flexible, student centered, confidential, and free adult literacy services.