Fall 2024/Spring 2025/Summer 2025 Tuition & Fees​​

CategoryT​uition & FeesTuition Only
In District $203.00 / semester hour$168.00 / semester hour
Out-of-District, In State$411.50 / semester hour$376.50 / semester hour
Out-of-State & International$450.00 / semester hour$415.00 / semester hour
Online$210.00 / semester hour$210.00 / semester hour

Commercial Driver Training is a flat rate. 4 week license: $4,850.00 15 week license: $5,300.00 and Refresher: $1,665.00.


Residents of the College District: A resident student is one who lives in the Spoon River College District.

Resident of Illinois, Out-of-District: A student who resides in Illinois, but is not a resident of Spoon River College District, will be considered an out-of-district student.

Out-of-State Residents: Anyone who is a resident of another state at the time of application will be considered an out-of-state applicant.

International Students: A student whose legal residence is outside the United States or territories thereof is an international student.

Proof of Residence: Students must demonstrate​ that they are legal residents of Community College District 534 if they are requested to do so. A valid driver’s license is sufficient proof.


Comprehensive Fees: A comprehensive fee of $35.00 per semester hour of credit is assessed each student. This fee supports student activities, technology, and various other services such as additional copies of student class schedules, adding/dropping/withdrawing from classes, and some mandatory testing costs.

Course Fees: Certain laboratory and other courses require additional fees for supplies, laboratory equipment and supplies, and special tools.

Cap and Gown Fee: A $25.00 fee for the purchase of the cap and gown will be charged to those individuals participating in college’s graduation ceremony.

Transcript Fee: Transcripts will be sent within approximately three working days for a $5.00 fee per copy requested. Transcripts may be ordered through Parchment. Telephone requests will not be honored.

When Are the Tuition and Fees Due? Tuition and fees are due at the time of registering for classes. Students have the option of paying in full or signing up for a deferred payment plan through Payment Portal by Nelnet. Failure to pay tuition and fees or signing up for a deferred payment plan will result in the automatic cancellation of the student’s registration. Please go to the Payment Options page for information on Payment Portal by Nelnet.

Outstanding Accounts: All previous financial obligations must be cleared at the time of registration. No students shall enroll until such obligations are paid in full or satisfactory arrangements have been approved.


Students dropping a credit course(s), either online or in person, after completing the appropriate paperwork, will be eligible for refund of tuition and fees according to the following schedule. The refund period is the number of business days beginning with the first day of the semester.

​​Length of Class Session​​​Refund P​​eriod​% Refund
All Credit Courses​​Up to the first class session100%
​9 to 16 Weeks Semester​First day of the semester through the 5th business day100%
​5 to 8 Weeks SemesterFirst day of the semester through the 5th business day​100%
2 to 4 Weeks Semester​First day of the semester through the 2nd business day​100%
​Less than 2 Weeks Semester​First day of the semester through the 2nd business day100%
​Community Education and Non-Credit​The day before the first class meeting​100%
​CDT program​First day of the semester through the 2nd business day100%
  • 100% refund of tuition and fees is granted if a scheduled course is cancelled by the college.
  • Students asked to leave the college or a course(s) for misconduct are NOT eligible to receive a refund of tuition and fees.
  • Students may request a refund based upon a medical withdrawal by completing a Medical Withdrawal Form, located in Student Services.
  • Military reservists called to active duty while enrolled at Spoon River College shall receive a full refund or credit against future enrollment. All requests are approved by the Chief Financial Officer.​
SRC District Map: Includes the cities of Canton, Macomb, Havana, Rushville, and smaller towns, including Farmington, Norris, Marietta, Cuba, Banner, Lewistown, Table Grove, Vermont, Littleton, Astoria, Bath, Kilbourne, Browning, Frederick, and Ripley.