There are many adjustments when attending college regardless of your situation. Spoon River College is pleased to provide you with support through Counseling Services. Knowing that there is a safe place to come to and a person to speak with about your college experience is important. We want your SRC experience to be positive and successful!

If you or someone you know is in danger of harming themselves or someone else, call 911 immediately or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. 

FREE to SRC Students:TimelyCare app in phone showing Get Care button, Join Our Peer Community--a safe space to anonymously share how you're feeling and engage with others, a Get Started button, and an FAQ link.

TimelyCare is a FREE 24/7 telehealth service for SRC students. Providers are available to offer mental health support via phone or secure video. Visits can happen from any web-enabled device–smartphone, laptop, or desktop. TimelyCare is available from anywhere in the United States.

24/7 Virtual Health and Well-Being Support

Features include:

  • TalkNow
  • Scheduled Counseling (6 visits per year)
  • Basic Needs
  • Join Peer Community (a safe space to anonymously share and engage with other students.)

To Access TimelyCare,
Login to My Portal

Online Assessment Tools

Online self-assessment is available to all students.

Mental Health America (MHA) offers free online screenings for depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, and much more. The website also provides free online articles, podcasts, and more.

Please note: Online screening tools are meant to be a quick snapshot of your mental health. If your results indicate you may be experiencing symptoms of mental illness, consider sharing your results with someone. A mental health provider (such as a doctor or a counselor) can give you a full assessment and talk to you about options for how to feel better.

Spoon River College Wellness Room

What: A comfortable, quiet, and private room for relaxing

Where: Canton Campus, Centers 210 or Macomb Campus, G4, and online at our Virtual Wellness Room.

When: The SRC Wellness Room is open during SRC’s business hours and reservable for 30 minutes at a time.

Who: The room can be reserved by SRC students, faculty, and staff.

Why: We all need a break sometimes!

Feeling burned out? Anxious about classes? Need to take some time to tune in to your body and emotions? Recharge in the SRC Wellness Room! SRC’s Wellness Room is a relaxation and wellness space designed to be a quiet location on campus for students to unwind and relax.

Reservations will be required for the wellness room through Student Services in Canton or Macomb or by using the links below. All students are required to check-in to Student Services prior to entering the wellness room. Walk-ins are available as the schedule allows.

The wellness room is available to students for free. We trust that you will respect the space and use if for your well-being.

Also be sure to check out the resources on our Virtual Wellness Room

SRC Wellness Room Macomb campus--image of a cozy setting with lounge chairs, plants, and a resource table.

Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health

Public Act 099-0278: Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (MHA)

Spoon River College is required to provide the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information to all newly-enrolled students.

In accordance with the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act, an institution of higher learning may disclose mental health information if a physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner makes a determination that the student poses a clear danger to himself, herself, or others.

What Information Will Be Disclosed

Spoon River College (SRC) is providing students the written opportunity to authorize the disclosure of certain private mental health information to a designated person of their choosing by completing and filing a Mental Health Act Disclosure Form.  This allows students to designate a person(s) to whom SRC may disclose certain private mental health information under the following circumstances:

  • The disclosed student poses a clear danger to oneself or others.
  • Protection is needed for the disclosed  student or another person from a clear, imminent risk of serious mental or physical injury, disease or death.
  • If the physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner has made a determination that a student poses a clear, imminent danger to himself, herself, or others, the designated person will be contacted and notified as soon as possible but no more than 24 hours after making the determination.

Student Authorization

  • Students are not required to designate a person.  Should a student choose to designate a contact person, it can be anyone over the age of 18 (e.g., parent, sibling, friend, etc.).
  • Students may change their designation at any time.
  • Please note that SRC reserves the right to contact the student’s designated emergency contact as required or permitted by law.


  • Completed form will be sent to Spoon River College, Admissions Office, 23235 N. Co 22, Canton, IL 61520
  • Authorization to release information does not expire unless the student signs the form revoking the authorization.
  • Student may revoke the authorization at any time by sending a written request to the same address.
  • Form does not allow the third party access to other student record information from Spoon River College.