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The Learning Resource Center ​​integrates academic support services and resources for students, faculty, and the SRC community in order to promote teaching effectiveness, student success, learning opportunities, and student retention.

Locations and Hours:

The SRC Learning Resource Center is open from 8:00am – 3:30pm Monday through Friday.

Canton Campus: The Russell Learning Resource Center is located on the 2nd floor, Centers building

Macomb Campus: The Learning Resource Center is located on the Upper Level

Success Coaching and peer tutoring is available and tutor schedules are posted at the entrance for each center.

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Contact Us


Jeannette Glover
Email Jeannette Glover
(309) 649-6603
Schedule time with me

Interlibrary Loans/Test Proctoring:

Calista Daniels
Email Calista Daniels
(309) 649-6309

Canton/Havana Student Success Coach:

Catherine Calvert
Email Catherine Calvert
(309) 649-6225
Schedule time with me

Macomb/Rushville Student Success Coach:

Lydia Perrilles
Email Lydia Perrilles
(309) 833-6048
Schedule time with me