A transfer student is any student who has coll​ege coursework at one institution and then transfers that coursework to another institution. Community college is often the starting point of a college education. Many students begin at a two-year college and then transfer to a four-year college. If you want to take this route, it helps to gather information so that you can make wise decisions about the community college courses you take.

Successful transfer depends on many factors, such as the college where you hope to earn your bachelor’s degree and the major you choose. Check with both the community college and the four-year colleges you hope to attend to hear about the process from both points of view.


Spoon River has many suggested curricula for transfer degrees designed for students desiring to complete the first two years of a baccalaureate program and then transfer to a four-year institution. The curriculum outlines should be used in conjunction with the listings of general education and other college requirements for the Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degrees.


Spoon River College participates in the Illinois Articulation Initiative, a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general education requirements for an associate or bachelor’s degree have been satisfied.

This agreement is in effect for students entering an associate or bachelor’s degree-granting institution as a first-time freshman fall 1998 (and thereafter). Students in AAS and AA/AS degree programs must select general education courses with IAI codes. The following codes identify qualifying general education courses:

  • IAI C (Communication)
  • IAI F (Fine Arts)
  • IAI H (Humanities)
  • IAI L (Life Sciences)
  • IAI M (Mathematics)
  • IAI P (Physical Sciences)
  • IAI S (Social Sciences)


Successful transfer is an important goal of a large majority of community coll​ege students. Each of the 48 Illinois community colleges has statewide, regional and local agreements with other Illinois colleges and universities to facilitate transfer. Spoon River College is no exception. We encourage you to look at the following options to help make your transfer a smooth transition. Taking courses at SRC will save you money, as tuition at the university level is much higher. Ultimately the decision of when to transfer is up to you, but your SRC advisor is always available to discuss the benefits of each of the following options:

Option 1 – Earn an Associate of Arts and Science degree at Spoon River College (64 hours)

SRC highly recommends that most transfer students earn their AA degree or AS degree. By completing 64 hours of course work at SRC, students have met the general education core curriculum set up by the state of Illinois and their courses transfer as a whole “package”. SRC​ participates in Illinois Articulation Initiative, which is a state wide agreement between community colleges and 4 year institutions in the state of Illinois. Students are encouraged to work with their SRC advisor when selecting these IAI courses to make sure they are satisfying all the necessary coursework to graduate.

Option 2 – Complete the Illinois Articulation Initiative General Education Core Curriculum (IAI GECC) before transferring (38-41 hours)

If you do not plan on getting a degree at Spoon River College, then you should at least consider staying long enough to complete the Illinois Articulation General Education Core Curriculum. These courses total around 38-41 hours and are lower division general education courses that transfer to four year colleges and universities in Illinois. This option would also benefit students who are transferring to non-IAI colleges and universities. The difference between completing a degree and not is that transfer institutions will review individual course to course equivalency instead of taking all your courses as a “package” if you transfer without the associate degree. Talk with your SRC advisor to determine what classes to take while you are here.
30 Hour Rule
If you transfer a minimum of 30 semester hours of credit from SRC to a four year college or university that is an IAI participant, you have the option of completing the IAI GECC at the transfer school. If you complete an AA or AS degree at SRC you will automatically meet IAI requirements.

Perhaps you are unsure of what school you will be transferring to, but do know what your major will be. If so, then you should visit the IAI website to look at coursework recommended for specific majors. You may also want to visit the links below for additional IAI resources. Single School IAI GECC Worksheet
IAI Participating Colleges and Universities
IAI Major Course Recommendations

Option 3 – Select courses at Spoon River College that meet the general education and major requirements at your transfer college or university

Regardless of how long you plan on attending SRC, if your ultimate goal is to transfer, then you need to work closely with your SRC advisor, along with an advisor at your transfer school. If you are in a certain specialized major or are transferring to a non-IAI school, then you will need to be extra vigilant about what courses to take to ensure a smooth transition.​​