Associate in Arts or Associate in Science Degree – ONLINE: 64 Hours

If you are pursuing an Online Associate in Arts or Associate in Science Degree, click on the Online Courses List button below to develop your individual degree plan. This is a listing of all available online courses.

  • Pay special attention to the credit hour requirements for each category as well as which semesters the classes are typically offered.
  • Some classes needed to complete this degree may require on-campus visits for orientations, lectures/discussions, labs and/or proctored testing.
  • Additionally, please check the course schedules posted on My SRC in the Online Campus (OTH Campus) to verify availability of the courses listed below.
  • See the Online Learning page for general information and how to get started.

Expand Online Courses List

​Course Code​Course TitleSemester(s) Offered​Credits
"ENG101, ENG102 & COM103 are required courses. (*Students in AA/AS must receive a ―C or better in ENG 101 and 102)​"
​Course Code​Course TitleSemester(s) Offered​Credits
​ENG 101Composition I ​​FA | SP | SU3​
​ENG 102Composition II​FA | SP | SU​3
COM 103​Speech CommunicationFA | SP​3
​Humanities and Fine Arts – 9 credits required for AA; 6 credits required for AS (*must include at least one from the humanities list and one fine arts list)
​ENG 140Introduction to Literature​SP3​
PHI 110​Introduction to Philosophy​FA | SP | SU3​
​PHI 115​​Ethics​FA | SP | SU3​
PHI 120​Logic and Critical Thinking​FA | SP3​
​REL 101​World Religions​FA | SP | SU​3
​Fine Arts
​ART 120Introduction to Art​​​FA | SP | SU​3
ENG 141​​Introduction to Visual Communications​SP | SU3
MUS 102​Introduction to American Music​​​FA | SP | SU​3
​MUS 111​Music Appreciation​FA | SP | SU3​
​Social and Behavioral Sciences – 6 credits required for AA; 9 credits required for AS
​BUS 250Principles of Micro-Economics​FA | SP​​3
BUS 251Principles of Macro-Economics​​FA | SP​3
GEO 200​World Regional Geography​​FA | SP | SU​3
HIS 155African American History (NON-IAI Approved Course)FA3
​HIS 161Development of Western Civilization​​SP​3
​HIS 260​American History to 1865​FA3​
HIS 261​​American History 1865 to Present​SU​​3
​POL 180American Government​ National​​​FA | SP | SU​3
PSY 130​​General Psychology​FA | SP​3
​PSY 236​Human Growth and Development​FA | SU3​
PSY 239Psych Personality/Adjustment (NON-IAI Approved Course)FA3
SOC 100Introduction to Sociology​​​​​FA | SP | SU​3
SOC 105Introduction to Social Work (NON-IAI Approved Course)FA3
​SOC 110Contemporary Social Problems​​​​​FA | SP | SU​3
SOC 160Cultural AnthropologyFA | SP | SU3
​Mathematics and Natural Sciences – AA/AS students have two options in mathematics and natural sciences. Option One (AA degree): Complete one IAI approved math course, and three science courses with at least one being a lab course. One of the three science courses must be an IAI physical science, and one an IAI life science course. Option Two (AS degree): Complete 6-9 credit hours of college-level math courses-one math course must have IAI approval; and 10-11 credit hours of science courses-one an IAI life science course and one an IAI physical science course-One science course must be a lab course.
​MAT 132​Statistics​FA | SP | SU3​
​MAT 125​College Algebra (NON-IAI Approved Course)​FA | SP | SU3​
​​MAT 126​Plane Trigonometry (NON-IAI Approved Course)​SU3​
Natural/Physical Sciences (+ Meets Lab Science Requirement) AA/AS degree-seeking students must complete one IAI life science and one IAI physical science. At least one of the science courses must be a lab class.
​BIO 105Principles of Biology I ​+FA | SP | SU​4
​BIO 140Introduction to Environmental Science (Non-Lab)SP | SU3
​BIO 145​Microbes and Society (Non-Lab)FA​​3
​BIO 111​Anatomy & Physiology Fundamentals (NON-IAI Approved Course)​SP​4
​BIO 117​Evolution (Non-Lab; NON-IAI Approved Course)​FA​3
BIO 200Anatomy and Physiology I + (NON-IAI Approved course)FA | SP | SU4
BIO 201Anatomy and Physiology II + (NON-IAI Approved course)FA | SP | SU4
CHE105Chemistry and Society +SP4
CHE160General Organic Chemistry I +FA | SU4
CHE161General Organic Chemistry II + (NON-IAI Approved Course)SP | SU4
CHE 180College Chemistry IISP5
Health Sciences – 3 credits total
​HS 103Personal, Physical/Mental Health​​FA | SP | SU3​
​HS 104​Human Sexuality​​FA | SP | SU​3
​HS 106​Nutrition I​FA | SP | SU​​3
​HS 108Lifelong Nutrition​​​FA | SP | SU1​
HS 109​​Drugs and Addictions​FA | SP | SU​​3
Electives – 20-21 credits required for AA degree; 21-23 credits required for AS degree. Electives can be chosen from any available online courses, but only 9 credit hours of career/technical (CTE) courses can be used towards the AA/AS degrees. CTE courses include those with the prefixes ABM, AH, CDT, CHD, CIS, DTT, FS, GDN, GT, LGM, NA, NUR, SBM, and WEL.

Complete your Bachelor's Degree Online

Spoon River College Degree Completion Program offers graduates of Spoon River College the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree online from Eastern Illinois University, Franklin University, SIU Edwardsville – School of Nursing, University of Illinois – Springfield, or Western Illinois University. For more information, see the Transfer Planning page.