Your Gifts are making a difference, and giving can occur in many ways!

There are many ways to support the Mission of the SRC Foundation and donors have opportunities to contribute in methods which best fit their giving philosophies. While all donors are advised to seek the guidance of their own personal financial advisors, the SRC Foundation can also help you explore the possibilities.

Donors may wish to review all the options and then select one or more methods of support. You may direct when you wish your gifts to be contributed, what you wish the funds to support, and by what methods you desire to have the funds invested with the Foundation.

Perhaps you want to support the Foundation’s Scholarship program or to help assure that SRC has the most up-to-date teaching and learning technologies, and the best facilities possible. Maybe athletics is very important to you and you would like your contribution to help  support the athletic programs and teams. You may want to inspire faculty to complete research. Or you may appreciate the Community programs sponsored by the Foundation such as the SRC Community Chorus. You designate what you wish your contributions to support and the Foundation works with you to make it all possible.

No matter which method you choose, your contributions support your personal vision of philanthropy and result in tax savings to you and your family both now and in the future.

SRC foundation banner

Four golfers standing together on the golf course, posing for the photo



The ANNUAL FUND occurs throughout each fiscal year. Contributions are solicited by mail and by the Foundation website. Your contribution can be easily made using this button:

Donate to the SRC Foundation

Each year the Foundation sponsors a number of special events such as our Annual Golf Outing in Canton. New events take place each year. Please visit our Special Events section of the website to learn about our most fun ways to give.

CAMPAIGNS are short-term in nature and are either fund or audience specific. For example, our Employee Campaign annually receives $13,000-$20,000 from current and past employees of Spoon River College. In 2009, a 50th Anniversary Campaign realized over $75,000 in contributions celebrating the college’s 50th birthday!  From 2018-2020, gifts in excess of $200,000, led by a gift from MidAmerica National Bank, helped launch men’s and women’s basketball and women’s volleyball programs in 2020-21.

Creating a scholarship ENDOWMENT with an investment of $10,000 or more assures that scholarships will continue in perpetuity. Donors have the opportunity to name the scholarship to remember or honor a person, organization, or business.

If NAMING RIGHTS to a building, gymnasium, classroom or lobby at an SRC facility interests you, certain gift levels can ensure that a donor’s name (or the name of another person, organization or business) can live on for the life of the facility while helping to provide excellent educational opportunities at SRC.

PLANNED GIVING is our most recent giving program. Planned giving allows you to set up a giving program now, but may support the future. Just a few of the ways to make planned gifts are through:

  • Bequests in your Last Will and Testament
  • Designating the Foundation as a beneficiary in a life insurance policy
  • IRAs or Retirement Plan proceeds
  • Trusts​

OTHER GIFTS: With certain restrictions, the Foundation also accepts certain gifts of real estate, in-kind gifts, publicly-traded securities, cryptocurrency, and other gifts.

DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT: Many companies offer matching gift programs to their employees and their families so that your gift to the SRC Foundation can be doubled! Check with your employer to determine whether your gift to the SRC Foundation can be matched so that our students can feel your generosity two times!

KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS: While we do not advocate for one store over another, many friends of SRC are already shoppers at Kroger. By enrolling in Kroger Community Rewards, you can help the SRC Foundation each time you purchase groceries! A portion of each enrolled customer’s purchase in Kroger stores can be directed to the SRC Foundation when customers use their Kroger Plus Card.

CRYPTOCURRENCY: As of February 2022, the Foundation can accept gifts of Bitcoin and Ethereum via Gifts are immediately liquidated into USD and transferred to the SRC Foundation, less a 1% administrative fee.

If you have any questions about any of our giving programs or would like to discuss a potential gift to SRC, contact the Foundation at (309) 833-6083 or email the Foundation.​