The Pathways to Results (PTR) Project, supported by a grant from the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), combines the talent and resources of the members of the collaboration to develop and offer programs of study based on the career cluster and career pathway structure. These Programs of Study (POS) provide a clear diagram of how individuals, beginning as early as their freshman year of high school, can see the relationship of individual education courses to career pathways in dozens of occupational areas.
The members of the west central Illinois collaboration for Pathways to Results have designed an initial Program of Study in the Health Science Cluster Area. (For information on career clusters and to access specific information please go to: Careers in health science are and will remain one of the leading occupational need areas for this region of the state. While nursing remains a primary career path in health science, the west central Illinois consortium is taking the initiative to promote other related health science career training programs that meet the need to sustain quality health care professionals in the area and offer persons viable options besides nursing education for entry into the health care profession.
The PTR group is providing Program of Study information related to career pathways in health informatics and diagnostic services. The program of study approach “paints” a picture of how courses fit together and offer individuals many options in a career path, such as health science. Here is our example of a pathway model, using the Health Information Management program from Spoon River College Pathways to Results Model.
Pathways to Results Project Goals
- Develop and disseminate programs of study models, such as the example above, for health information management, radiological technology, and other academic majors as possible.
- Share career pathway/programs of study information to secondary students, parents, secondary school teachers/staff, adults who may be interested in career/educational opportunities, and career development professionals.
- Increase the number of persons entering, persisting, and completing programs of study, particularly in the health science pathway.
- Promote and support activities to increase the reading and study skills capacity of secondary students before they enroll in dual credit courses with postsecondary partners.
- Increase the number of students making a successful transition from high school to postsecondary programs of study.
Contacts for Pathways to Results
Carl Sandburg College
Spoon River College
Becky Sherwood, Nursing Director, (309) 649-6632,
Brad O’Brien, Dean of Career and Workforce Education, (309) 649-6294,