Spoon River College admission advisors Brandi Ketcham and Patrick Denecke are hosting free workshops that are open to all Spoon River College students as well as community members. The workshops will focus on determining career paths and creating resumes.
Ketcham and Denecke will be utilizing Career Choice in the workshops, an interactive program that allows users to research careers and the education and/or skills required for them, explore the local job market, build a resume, and then apply for employment.
The workshops will be held via Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:20-12:40 p.m. starting March 23 through April 15. For those who are interested but don’t have the technology for a Zoom meeting, please contact Andrea Barbknecht in the Community Outreach Office at 309-649-6368 for assistance.
The Career Exploration workshops will be held on Tuesdays – March 23, March 30, April 6, and April 13. The Zoom link, ID, and pass codes for these workshops are below:
Join the Zoom meeting at https://zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 971 8499 2246
Passcode: 007554
The Resume workshops will be held on Thursdays – March 25, April 1, April 8, and April 15, and The Zoom link, ID, and pass codes for these workshops are below:
Join the Zoom meeting at: https://zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 996 9734 9119
Passcode: 362380
The workshops were scheduled ahead of a job fair that will be held Friday, April 16, from 1-3 p.m. in Lower Centers on the Canton Campus at 23235 N County 22.
The Career Coach program can be accessed on the Career Services page of the Spoon River College website by clicking on the Student Services tab at www.src.edu. For more information, contact Patrick Denecke at 309-833-6022 or Brandi Ketcham at 309-649-6324.