Cyndi Johnston, adult education program coordinator at Spoon River College, seeks volunteers every year to help students of all ages who are in the program. This year is no exception, but COVID-19 is making the task more difficult than usual.
“I’m usually rewarded with amazing people who answer the call to volunteer, but this has been a bad year for tutors. I understand why my senior volunteers aren’t retuning, and I don’t blame them,” said Johnston. “The pandemic is affecting all the literacy programs throughout the state.”
Johnston said her biggest need for tutors is for the students in the GED prep classes at the Canton Campus and the Havana Center. No special education or degree is required to be a volunteer tutor.
“We provide the training and the hours are flexible,” said Johnston. “Our volunteers come in all ages. Some are retired, some are still working, but all of them are a vital part of this program’s success.”
For more information about being a volunteer tutor, contact Johnston at (309) 833-6038.
Registration is currently open for the next session of free GED prep classes that begins October 19. For more information or to register in Canton or Havana, call (309) 649-6229. To register in Macomb or Rushville, call 309) 833-6017.
For more information about the Adult Education program at SRC and the services offered, visit and click on GED/Literacy link under the Academics tab.