Spoon River College students explored a range of topics during poster presentations held at the Canton Campus recently, including how unique sound effects in film are created, whether memory is affected by gender, and the pros and cons of various energy sources.
“The poster sessions give students the opportunity to find out more about topics they are truly interested in, and also gives them experience in researching and presenting,” said Amy Rutledge, Biology faculty and organizer of the event.
A total of 81 posters representing Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Introduction to Film, Microbiology, and Speech Communication were on display, with students being present to discuss and answer questions about their research.
“We appreciate everyone who attended and took the time to talk with the students. It makes such a difference to them when they are given the opportunity to discuss their research with others,” Rutledge said.
Matt Cruise’s “Carbon Farming” received an Honorable Mention as well as Best of Show. Honorable Mentions were also presented to Matt Rader, “Does Fast Food Mold?”; Elliot Dalpiaz, “Special Effects”; Esmeralda Uribe, “H1N1”; and Elena Dewees, “Sexism.” Each received a $25 SRC gift card, with Cruise receiving an additional $25 SRC gift card for the Best of Show award.
SRC employees Andrea Barbknecht, Jeannette Glover, and Allyson Smith served as the judges.
Mason Rader
Elliot Dalpiaz