The Spoon River College Literacy Program is pleased to announce the 29th Annual Family Reading Night on Thursday, November 19. Held in partnership with libraries and schools throughout the SRC district, the goal is to encourage families to take time to read together as a family. With help from a grant from Dollar General, the College will provide 25 free books to each library to hand out to attendees.
“All of the events are free for families in our communities, and our libraries have done a wonderful job of finding ways to support Family Reading Night this year in a safe manner,” said Cyndi Johnston, adult education program coordinator at Spoon River College. “Taking time to read together as a family is a great habit to cultivate, and we hope this event will inspire more families to make time to do that.”
Activities, locations and times are as follows.
Astoria: The Astoria Public Library will celebrate Family Reading Night by giving out family reading kits filled with snacks, book marks, family activities, a free book, and other surprises. Families may stop in and pick up their kit between 1-5 p.m. on Thursday, November 19.
Canton: Parlin-Ingersoll Library had Bingo cards available starting November 13 that were made for Early Literacy (age birth to 6) and Middle School (age 7 and up). The cards are also available through the library’s Facebook page. Once participants complete at least four activities to get a Bingo, they can go to the library and pick out a prize and a free book while supplies last.
Farmington: The Farmington Area Public Library will celebrate Family Reading Night with a “Pop Open a Good Book” family reading kit that will be popcorn centered and include the items needed to make popcorn in a bag, a popcorn sight word game, directions for all and a link to remotely watch staff read a book “popcorn style.” They are also encouraging families to read at least one other book at home as a family. Families may pick up the kits starting Tuesday November 17, but the reading video will not air until Thursday, November 19, at 6 p.m.
Macomb: The Macomb Public Library will celebrate Family Reading Night by placing Family Reading Kits on the front railing of the library. The kits contain a free book, microwave popcorn, a craft kit, and other fun surprises. The kits will be labeled with a suggested age range to help families get a book that is developmentally appropriate. The library will also post a special Family Reading Day/Night Storytime on their YouTube channel and guide on their blog, and all will be linked to the library’s Facebook page.
Rushville: The Rushville Public Library will promote Family Reading Night on Thursday, November 19 by encouraging families to take a picture of them reading together and then texting it to 217-491-4877. Those who do will receive a free book, and the pictures will be posted on the library’s Facebook page. The library previously hosted a Book or Treat event on the library lawn and distributed free books.
For more information about the Literacy Project at Spoon River College, visit or call Cyndi Johnston at (309) 833-6038.