Tickets are now on sale for the SRC Community Chorus concert Songs and Snowflakes. The concert features 60 singers, musicians and technicians and will be presented on Saturday, December 2 and Sunday, December 3 at the First Christian Church in Canton. Both performances are at 7:00 p.m.
Tickets may be obtained by calling (309) 649-6260; by walk-in Tuesday – Saturday from 10 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at The Pink Whale, 27 South Main Street in Canton; or through chorus members.
Songs and Snowflakes will feature a combination of classical, traditional and contemporary holiday songs. Featured selections include the Festival Cantata “Rejoice in the Lamb,” Haydn’s Gloria, and Tschesnokoff’s “Salvation is Created;” “The Shepherd’s Chorus” from Amahl and the Night Visitors and “Counting Down to Christmas” from A Christmas Story, the Musical; a Hanukkah song “Hanerot Halalu;” popular songs “White Christmas,” “Silver Bells,” “Jingle Bells” and “Over the River;” sacred songs and spirituals “Silent Night,” “In the Bleak Midwinter,” “Let All Mortal Flesh,” “Way Down in Bethlehem” and more.
Chorus members participating in the concert are Andrea Barbknecht, Loren Blackfelner, Carla Bobell, Gloria Bradford, Janice Dare Bruster, Debbie Burkhead, Carol Davis, Colin Davis, Jackie Davis, Katey Davis, Kevin Dearing, Richard Etter, James Gage, Andrea Garnett, Micah Garnett, Jeanine Gaumer, Sherry Hilton, Jo Potter Keen, Kevin Kessler, Tammy Kessler, Carol Kohler, Leta Krock, Chad Leitschuh, Wendy Martin, Greg Mathis, Sara Mathis, Sue Maurice, Susie McMillen, Trygve Meade, David Meeker, Janet Munson, Chad Murphy, Glenn Nestlerode, Dave Norton, Natalie Orwig, Virginia Reter, Sue Reuschel, Ron Rupe, Carol Shaw, Karen Shaw, Tiffany Siefert, Becky Silva, Alex Smith, Ron Smith, Sue Smith, Jean Sprecher, Jeanine Standard, John Stanko, Pat Stanko, Marilyn Stewart, Doris Taylor, Kenny Taylor, Roberta Tomlinson, Tammy Weaver, Donna Weinstein, JoEllyn Welch, Pam Willison, and Christine Wright.
John L. Davis directs Songs and Snowflakes with Gretchen Fuller accompanying. The SRC Community Chorus artistic director is Carol Davis.
Proceeds from ticket sales fund named endowed scholarships for SRC students. The chorus is currently funding the Vicki Murphy Memorial Scholarship. Vicki was an avid supporter of the SRC Chorus and her son, Chad Murphy, is a founding member of the Chorus.
For more information, please contact Colin Davis at or Carol Davis at