How temperature affects a baseball game, the Flint, Michigan water crisis, depletion of the ozone layer, and the art making process as a mood booster were just a few of the topics Spoon River College students explored for the Research Poster sessions held November 17 at the Canton Campus.
Biology and chemistry faculty members Amy Rutledge and Bridget Loftus first implemented research poster sessions in 2014 as a way for students to gain experience in research and presenting. “We also wanted them to have the opportunity to delve deeper into class topics they were personally interested in learning more about,” said Rutledge.
A total of 90 posters were on display representing different areas in agriculture, biology, chemistry, and drama, with students available to answer questions about their research. College employees Jake Douglas, Jeanette Glover, and Andrea White served as judges.
An Honorable Mention and $25 SRC gift certificate were awarded to the best poster from each category, and from those, the Best of Show was selected and awarded an additional $25 gift certificate.
Receiving an Honorable Mention and ultimately Best of Show was Jenna Schleich for “What Effect Do Oil Spills Have on Aquatic Plants?” Honorable Mentions were also awarded for “Effectiveness of Sunlight” by Katie Ferguson, “Leaded Gasoline in Aviation” by Alex Dornberger, “Miss Julie” by Lauren Avery, and “Polio” by Hannah Barclay.