​AS Degree – Concentration in Physics

This curriculum is designed for students interested in transferring to a four-year institution in degree programs such as physics and engineering. This program is part of the Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Cluster.

The listed sequence of courses provides guidance for students so that they can complete this program of study in the most efficient manner. This sequence assumes that students have met college academic placement and/or other program requirements. Students are strongly urged to contact a college advisor for assistance in developing their plan for enrolling in courses to meet the program of study.

​Physics: 64 Credit Hours

Fall Semester CoursesCredit Hrs.
ENG101​Composition I3
MAT151Calculus with Analytic Geometry I5
PH 121Physics for Science & Engineering I4
Social & Behavioral Science3
Spring Semester CoursesCredit Hrs.
ENG102Composition II3
MAT152Calculus with Analytic Geometry II*5
PH 122Physics for Science & Engineering II4
Humanities & Fine Arts3
​Non-Lab Life Science3
Fall Semester CoursesCredit Hrs.
CHE170​College Chemistry I5
COM103Speech Communication3
​PH 123​Physics for Science & Engineering III4
​Health Science3
Spring Semester CoursesCredit Hrs.
CHE180College Chemistry II5
​PH 124​Physics for Science & Engineering IV4
​Social and Behavioral Sciences3
Humanities & Fine Arts3

*MAT251 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III and/or MAT 265 Differential Equations may also be needed.