AA/AS Degree – Concentration in Physical Education

This curriculum is designed for students interested in transferring to a four-year institution in degree programs such as physical education, kinesiology, and sports medicine. This program is part of the Education & Training Career Cluster.

The listed sequence of courses provides guidance for students so that they can complete this program of study in the most efficient manner. This sequence assumes that students have met college academic placement and/or other program requirements. Students are strongly urged to contact a college advisor for assistance in developing their plan for enrolling in courses to meet the program of study.

Physical Education: 64 Credit Hours

Fall Semester CoursesCredit Hrs.
BIO105Principles of Biology I4
COM103Speech Communication3
ENG101Composition I3
Physical Education (PE) Electives3
Spring Semester CoursesCredit Hrs.
BIO106Principles of Biology II4
ENG102Composition II3
PSY130General Psychology3
Health Science3
Fall Semester CoursesCredit Hrs.
BIO200Anatomy and Physiology I4
PSY236Human Growth & Development3
Humanities & Fine Arts3
Physical Science Non-Lab3
Social Behavioral Science3
Spring Semester CoursesCredit Hrs.
BIO201Anatomy and Physiology II4
Humanities & Fine Arts6
Physical Education (PE) Electives3
Social Behavioral Science3

Students must complete at least one IAI approved math course. Science requirements include at least one IAI life science and one IAI physical science, and one of those must be a lab science. Additional math and/or science courses are needed to complete general education requirements for the AS degree.