
Three positions on the Spoon River College Board of Trustees will be filled in the consolidated election scheduled for Tuesday, April 4, 2023.  The positions are for six-year terms on the College Board commencing April, 2023 through April, 2029. Currently these positions are held by Mr. Dave Maguire of Macomb, Mr. Kevin Meade of Canton, and Mr. Phillip Murphy of Canton.

Filing dates for candidacy will be Monday, December 12th through Monday, December 19th, 2022.  All candidates wishing to file petitions MUST either mail or submit in person to the Canton campus.  Hours for filing will be 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, December 12th to December 16th, and Monday, December 19th, from 8:00a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Petitions WILL NOT be accepted for filing at the Macomb Campus or the Havana and Rushville Centers.

On the first day of filing at Spoon River College, Monday, December 12th, petitions will be received in the Cabinet Room, Administrative Foyer, Centers Building at the Canton Campus.  On the other days of filing, petitions may be filed at the reception desk, Centers Building, at the Canton campus.

According to the Consolidated Election Laws, all individuals present at the opening of the election office doors on the first day of filing Monday, December 12th, will be considered as having filed simultaneously.  In addition, any petitions received during the first mail delivery of that day will be included in this simultaneous filing group.  For all individuals in this “simultaneous group,” a lottery will be held Wednesday, December 14th at 1:00 p.m. to determine the ballot positions of all in the simultaneous group.  Others who file later will be listed on the ballot after the simultaneous group in the order the others petitions are received.

In order to become a candidate for one of the positions on the College Board, the following documents are required for filing:


  • a Statement of Candidacy form,

  • at least 50 valid signatures on petition forms, which must be consecutively numbered, and each form notarized,

  • a receipt for filing a Statement of Economic Interest with the County Clerk of the county in which the principal office of the unit of local government with which the person is associated is located.  To qualify to be a candidate for trustee, an individual must be on the date of the election, a U.S. citizen, 18 years of age or older, a registered voter, and have resided for one year in the college district.

Petitions and other materials required for filing will be available September 20, 2022 at the Canton Campus, Reception Desk, Centers Building as well as from each of the three SRC off-campus locations (Macomb, Rushville, and Havana).  Petitions and other filing materials may be obtained from each location during normal office hours.  At the Canton campus, these are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  Office hours at the off-campus locations may differ from those at the Canton campus.  Contact the off-campus locations for hours when petitions and other candidate materials may be obtained from them.

Information is available by calling (309) 649-6232 at the Spoon River College Canton campus.