Last updated on May 30, 2023
POLICY: In compliance with the Illinois Senior Citizen Courses Act (P.A. 86-1324), Spoon River College provides waived tuition to eligible senior citizens enrolling in credit classes (excluding VSK).
This policy applies to all eligible Spoon River College students.
Eligible Senior citizen: Any person 65 years or older whose annual household income is less than the threshold amount provided in Section 4 of the “Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act,” approved July 17, 1972, as amended.
Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act thresholds: Annual household income thresholds (households of 1 to 3 and more) that provide direct property tax relief to senior citizens and disabled persons. Spoon River College will verify the income limits annually by referring to the Illinois Legal Aid website.
Credit course: Any program of study for which the College awards credit hours (excluding VSK).