POLICY: The Spoon River College follows the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) regulations for Region 24 for intercollegiate athletic program and Midwest Athletic Conference (MWAC).
This policy applies to all eligible students including the following:
Student-athletes meeting and maintaining the NJCAA academic standards as follows:
On or before the 15th calendar day of the student-athletes second full-time college term must have accumulated 12 credit hours with a GPA of 1.75 or higher.
On or before the 15th calendar day of the term the student-athlete wishes to participate in (after second full-time term), a student-athlete must have accumulated passing credit hours with an associated GPA of 2.00 or higher in a number equal or greater than the student-athlete’s terms of full-time enrollment multiplied by twelve.
At any time that student-athletes fall below a 2.0 grade point, they must see an Academic Advisor or Student Success Coach for remediation. The follow-up on a student's academic progress and class attendance will be conducted during the off-season, as well as in the in-season basis of each sport.
Student-athletes are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct and demonstrate good sportsmanship and academic integrity both on and off campus.
Recruiting will abide by the NJCAA regulations and practices of ethical competitiveness.
All College athletic personnel are expected to abide by the rules of the NJCAA and the policies of Spoon River College.
The Foundation Office and Director of Athletics and Intramurals authorizes staff to solicit external donations for athletic teams, provided any resources received are properly accounted for within established College policies and expended within College policies.
The Dean of Student Services oversees the Director of Athletics and Intramurals to monitor the athletic programs and to ensure compliance.