8.2.5 - Credit for Prior Learning

Last updated on May 13, 2024

POLICY:  Spoon River College recognizes learning may occur during various life and work experiences.  Spoon River College may grant credit for knowledge learned outside of the classroom.


This policy applies to all Spoon River College students with prior learning knowledge/experience.


  1. Spoon River College may grant credit through the following programs:
    1. Advanced Placement (AP)
    2. College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
    3. Proficiency Examination
    4. Armed Forces Health and Physical Education
    5. Credit for Military Services and Training (Policy 8.2.4)
    6. International Baccalaureate (IB)
    7. State Seal of Biliteracy
    8. Child Development Associate certificate (CDA)
    9. Prior Learning Portfolio
      1. Credit for a prior learning portfolio may be awarded only after assessment of prior learning experiences and only for documented learning that demonstrates achievement of all objectives for a specific course or courses.
      2. The student must enroll at Spoon River College and meet all admission requirements for the program in which credit for a prior learning portfolio is being sought.
      3. Fifteen credit hours toward a degree must be completed at the college prior to awarding credit for a prior learning portfolio to degree seeking students.
      4. Twenty five percent of the required credits for a certificate must be completed at the college prior to awarding credit for a prior learning portfolio to certificate seeking students.
      5. If pursuing a degree or certificate, credit for a prior learning portfolio will only be granted for the purpose of satisfying graduation requirements. These credits may not transfer to other colleges.
      6. All work assessed for a prior learning portfolio must meet or exceed a grade level of “C.” Minimum cut-off scores on standardized tests are set at a “C” grade level.
      7. Students will be charged for the cost of a prior learning portfolio assessment services and not for the amount of credit awarded.
  2. Additional information located at the Credit for Prior Learning webpage.