8.2.3 - Curricula Development, Revision And Deletion

Last updated on May 30, 2023

POLICY:  Spoon River College curricula are developed revised and deleted based upon a procedure and approval process.


This policy applies to all Spoon River College employees and students.


1.       Faculty, Students, Advisory Committee Members, Community Members/Leaders, Instructional AdministratorsSuggest curricula development, revision, and deletion including courses, certificates, and degrees to the office of Instruction.
2.       Academic Deans or designeeDetermines feasibility of proposal based on several factors, e.g. staffing, facilities, costs, college policies, curricular issues, employment outlook, enrollments, and informs the Chief Academic Officer.
3.       Curriculum CommitteeReviews proposals brought forward by the Academic Deans and makes recommendations as outlined in College Senate Bylaws.
4.       College SenateTakes action on recommendation of Curriculum Committee.
5.       PresidentReviews recommendation, feasibility, and implications, then acts according to College Senate Bylaws.
6.       Board of TrusteesReview addition or deletion of degree programs and all curriculum items mandated by state statute or external agencies that cannot be delegated elsewhere.
7.       Illinois Community College Board (ICCB)Reviews and acts on proposals to add, change, or delete courses or programs.  ICCB refers appropriate items to IBHE.