8.2.2 - College Curriculum

Last updated on May 30, 2023

POLICY: The College Catalog is the single source for descriptions of courses, programs, certificates, degrees, program completion requirements, student and academic services and a variety of policies and procedures.  Occasionally, program changes are not made by the publication deadline and will be included in an addendum to the catalog.  Every effort is made to create a complete and accurate document since student degree requirements may be governed by the policies outlined in the catalog and addendum.


This policy applies to all Spoon River College employees and students.


  1. The Vice President, within the office of the Registrar, maintains records on active and inactive programs, degrees offered and courses, appropriate approvals, a master course file and program review reports.
  2. All credit courses offered at Spoon River College must have a course syllabus on file in the office of Instruction.
  3. Course outlines are updated on a regular cycle.
  4. The Vice President ensures that the curriculum and course schedule meets college, state and accreditation requirements.