6.8 - Accepting Personal Checks & Outstanding Checks Issued by College

Last updated on May 30, 2023

POLICY:  It is the policy of Spoon River College to accept personal checks for payment of accounts receivable with specific guidelines for acceptance for personal checks.  Additionally, personal checks returned for insufficient funds will be charged additional fees associated with the returned check.

Checks that have been issued by Spoon River College and have been lost or were never received can be re-issued after a 10-day waiting period.


This policy applies to all individuals making payment via personal check or receiving a check from Spoon River College.


  1. Accepting Personal Checks:
    1. Check Acceptance: Spoon River College will accept personal checks for payments of accounts receivable following the process below:
      1. All checks must have preprinted name, address, and home or work telephone number. Blank “starter” or “counter” checks are not accepted.
      2. The Spoon River College cashier will confirm that all printed information on the check is correct. The cashier will scrutinize the check to make sure that it is complete, correct, and legible and will initial each check accepted.
      3. The student’s name and ID number must be written on the check. The check presenter’s driver’s license number (if not preprinted) must be written on the check.
      4. Photo identification must be shown and the signature verified by the Spoon River College cashier. (Step 4 is not applicable for mailed in or dropped off checks.)
      5. No post-dated checks will be accepted.
    2. Returned Checks:
      1. Any payments by check, which are returned unpaid from the bank, will be given 10 days to reissue full payment in cash or money order for the amount of the returned check, associated bank fees, and $25 returned check fee.
      2. Check writers are immediately notified by mail upon the receipt of the returned check and total amount due to Spoon River College.
      3. Check payments for tuition or bookstore charges returned unpaid will result in the student’s records being placed on “Hold.” The student will not receive grades or transcripts, nor be allowed to enroll in any other classes at the college until the amount of the check, associated bank fees, and $25 returned check fees have been paid in full.
  2. Outstanding Checks Issued by the College:
    1. Recipient received the check, but lost it: There is a 10-day waiting period from the date of issuance before a check is deemed “lost.”  Upon completion of the “Check Reissue Form” and verification that the check was not cashed, the Business Office will place a stop payment on the check at our bank and reissue a new check.
    2. Recipient never received the check in the mail: There is a 10-day waiting period from the date of issuance before a check is deemed “lost.”  Upon completion of the “Check Reissue Form” and verification that a check was mailed, and was not cashed, the Business Office will place a stop payment on the check at our bank and reissue a new check.  The Business Office will determine the address to which the original check was mailed.  If the individual requests that the check be mailed to a different address, the individual must change their address with the College, either with Registration if they are a student, with the Business Office if they are a vendor or with Human Resources if they are an employee.