4.10 - Record Retention and Disposal Policy

Last updated on April 3, 2023

POLICY: Spoon River College ensures a standard process for the retention and disposal of physical and electronic files.


This policy applies to all Spoon River College employees.


  1. The Supervising Administrator of each of the offices in the table below is responsible for retaining the physical and/or electronic documents/images listed below for the respective retention period. At the end of the retention period, the documents/images will be destroyed.
Institutional & legal recordsArticles of incorporationPermanent
Institutional & legal recordsBy-lawsPermanent
Institutional & legal recordsLicensesActive
Institutional & legal recordsExpired licenses6 years
Institutional & legal recordsDeeds & titlesPermanent
Institutional & legal recordsAttorney opinion lettersActive + 4 years
Institutional & legal recordsLeasesActive + 6 years
Institutional & legal recordsPolicy statements10 years
Institutional & legal recordsContractsActive + 4 years
Litigation recordsClaimsActive
Litigation recordsCourt documents & recordsActive
Litigation recordsDeposition transcriptsActive
Litigation recordsDiscovery materialsActive
Litigation recordsLitigation filesActive + 2 years
Litigation recordsLicensesActive
Litigation recordsExpired licenses6 years
Litigation recordsDeeds & titlesPermanent
Litigation recordsAttorney opinion lettersActive + 4 years
Litigation recordsLeasesActive + 6 years
Litigation recordsPolicy statements10 years
Litigation recordsContractsActive + 4 years
Institutional recordsIncident Reports5 years


Accounts PayablePurchase requisition4 years
Accounts PayableInvoices4 years
Accounts PayableAccounts payable ledgers4 years
Accounts PayablePayment / disbursement records4 years
Accounts PayableExpense reports4 years
Accounts ReceivableAccounts receivable4 years
Accounts ReceivableAccounts receivable ledgers4 years
Accounts ReceivableReceipts4 years
Accounts ReceivableUncollected accountsPermanent
Accounts ReceivableCollection RecordsActive
Accounts ReceivableTuition and fee charges5 years after date of last attendance
Financial AidAccounting closeoutsActive + 4 years
Financial AidAccount ledgersActive + 4 years
Financial AidBalance sheetsActive + 4 years
Financial AidGeneral ledgersActive + 4 years
Financial AidAuditors reportsActive + 4 years
Financial AidBid files10 years


Financial AidDL and federal grant reportingEnd of award year report submitted + 3 years
Financial AidFISAP recordsEnd of award year report submitted + 3 years
Reporting files and documentationISAC gift assistance programsEnd of award year last attended + 3 years
Student FilesGrant recipientsEnd of award year + 3 years
Student FilesISAC gift assistance programsEnd of award year last attended +  3 years
Student FilesLoan recipientsEnd of last award year attended + 3 years


Applicant Records (not hired)Application1 year
Applicant Records (not hired)Background investigation1 year
Applicant Records (not hired)References and letters of recommendation1 year
Applicant Records (not hired)Resume / Cover letter1 year
Applicant Records (not hired)Transcripts1 year
BenefitsIncentive plansPermanent
BenefitsRetirement benefits accruedPermanent
BenefitsRetirement plansPermanent
BenefitsSick leave benefitsPermanent
BenefitsSummary plan descriptionsPermanent
BenefitsVendor correspondence4 years
Blood borne pathogen recordsEmployee exposure recordsActive + 30 years
Blood borne pathogen recordsExposed employee medical recordsActive + 30 years
Blood borne pathogen recordsTraining recordsActive + 30 years
Blood borne pathogen recordsVaccination recordsActive + 30 years
CompensationSalary listsPermanent
CompensationSurveys4 years
ComplianceRegulatory agencies4 years
Employee RelationsEvents4 years
Employee RelationsExit interviews4 years
Employment listingsPosition advertisement4 years
Employment listingsPosition vacancy notice4 years
ImmigrationVisa sponsorship, legal, etc.Active + 4 years
Job DescriptionsSuperseded job descriptions4 years
Labor RelationsCollective bargaining agreementsPermanent
Labor RelationsCorrespondence with executive committeePermanent
Labor RelationsGrievancesPermanent
Labor RelationsLayoffsPermanent
Labor RelationsLegal counselPermanent
Labor RelationsMemorandum of agreementPermanent
Labor RelationsNegotiation recordsPermanent
Labor RelationsSeniority listsPermanent
LegalInvestigations (non-civil rights discrimination/Title IX)4 years OR

(Where a charge or lawsuit is filed, all relevant records must be kept until "final disposition.")

LegalInvestigations (civil rights discrimination/Title IX)Permanent
LegalLitigation4 years OR

(Where a charge or lawsuit is filed, all relevant records must be kept until "final disposition.")

Misc Employee RecordsEmployee directoriesActive + 4 years
Personnel files (applicant)Employment applicationsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (applicant)Employment authorizationActive + until retirement or death
Personnel files (applicant)Letters of recommendationActive + 4 years
Personnel files (applicant)Promotion authorizationActive + until retirement or death
Personnel files (applicant)ResumesActive + 4 years
Personnel files (applicant)TranscriptsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (compensation)Attendance RecordsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (compensation)ContractsActive + until retirement or death
Personnel files (compensation)GarnishmentsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (compensation)Payroll deductionsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (compensation)Time sheetsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (compensation)W-2 formActive + 4 years
Personnel files (compensation)W-4 formActive + 4 years
Personnel files (compensation)Wage or salary historyActive + 4 years
Personnel files (confidential)Background investigation resultsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (confidential)Beneficiary designationActive + 6 years
Personnel files (confidential)Disability recordsActive + 6 years OR

(Where a charge or lawsuit is filed, all relevant records must be kept until "final disposition.")

Personnel files (confidential)Employment physical examinationsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (confidential)FMLA recordsActive + 6 years
Personnel files (confidential)I-9 form and documentsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (confidential)Medical recordsActive + 6 years
Personnel files (education/training)Education assistanceActive + 6 years
Personnel files (education/training)Horizontal advancement documents (faculty only)Active + 4 years
Personnel files (education/training)Training certificates of completionActive + 4 years
Personnel files (misc)Acknowledgement formsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (misc)CorrespondenceActive + 4 years
Personnel files (misc)Emergency contactsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (misc)Employment historyActive + until retirement or death
Personnel files (misc)Layoff / termination noticeActive + until retirement or death
Personnel files (performance)Course evaluation formsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (performance)Disciplinary warnings / actionsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (performance)Employee evaluationsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (performance)Faculty committee evaluation reportsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (performance)Peer review documentsActive + 4 years
Personnel files (performance)Scholastic evaluationActive + 4 years
Personnel files (performance)Tenure recordsActive + 4 years
Policies and ProceduresManualsPermanent
Policies and ProceduresManuals (File of revisions - dated)Permanent
SafetyAccident reportsActive + 30 years
SafetyEmployee injury recordsActive + 30 years
SafetyWorkman’s compensationActive + 30 years
TrainingTraining programs4 years
UnemploymentUnemployment claims4 years


Foundation / Institutional publicationsAlumni newsletters3 years
Foundation / Institutional publicationsAlumni directories3 years
Foundation / Institutional publicationsFoundation board minutesPermanent
GrantsApplications5-7 years determined by grant
GrantsAwards5-7 years determined by grant
GrantsAmendments to grants5-7 years determined by grant
GrantsQuarterly reports5-7 years determined by grant
GrantsAnnual reports5-7 years determined by grant


Institutional recordsBoard of Trustees meeting agendas / minutesPermanent
Institutional recordsCollege Senate CSB’sPermanent
Institutional recordsInstitutional historical documents (college catalogs, photographs, negatives, yearbooks, media items)Permanent
Institutional recordsInstitutional newspapers / newsletters1 year for hard copy (central place for historical copies).  Archived copies located in Marketing office.
Institutional recordsNorth Central Report of Spoon River CollegePermanent
Institutional recordsSpoon River College self-study reportsPermanent


Institutional recordsEEO-6 reports3 years
Institutional recordsIDES reports1 quarter
Institutional recordsPayroll reports4 years
Institutional recordsUnit cost1 year
Institutional recordsW2’s5 years
Institutional recordsA1’s2 years on mainframe
Institutional recordsE1’s3 years on mainframe
Institutional recordsRAMP2 years on PC hard drive
Institutional recordsS2, S6, S73 years on mainframe
Institutional recordsMid-term rosters6 years (including current fiscal year) in hard copy format


Institutional recordsMinutes of Board of Trustee meetingsPermanent


Application materials for students who enterApplicationsPermanent
Application materials for students who enterEntrance exams & placement scoresPermanent
Application materials for students who enterCourse catalogsPermanent
Application materials for students who enterHigh School transcriptsPermanent
Application materials for students who enterCollege transcripts & evaluationPermanent
Applications for students who are accepted but do not enterApplications1 year after application term
Applications for students who are accepted but do not enterTranscripts1 year after application term
Financial aid recordsApplications  3 years from last day of award year for which the aid was awarded
Financial aid recordsFinancial aid awards and reports3 years from last day of award year for which the aid was awarded
Financial aid recordsLoan Records3 years from last day of award year
Individual student recordsCourse add / drop slips1 year
Individual student recordsRegistration forms1 year
Individual student recordsTranscript requests1 year
Individual student recordsFERPA requests1 year
Individual student recordsAcademic recordsPermanent
Individual student recordsAdvanced placement5 years after date of last attendance
Individual student recordsApplication for graduation1 year after date of last attendance
Individual student recordsForeign student (I-20) forms5 years after date of last attendance
Individual student recordsDate of graduation / degree awardPermanent
Individual student recordsDegree audit records5 years after date of last attendance
Individual student recordsTransfer credit evaluationsPermanent
Individual student recordsPersonal data forms1 year after date of last attendance
Individual student recordsName change authorizations5 years after date of last attendance
Individual student recordsStudent athlete records / letters of interest2 years after last day of attendance
Individual student recordsStudent conduct records / adjudication documents2 years after last day of attendance
Individual student recordsStudent disability records / Intake and accommodation documents5 years after date of last attendance
Misc. Student RecordsStudent written complaints1 year
  1. All admissions and financial aid documents are stored electronically.
  2. Retention of electronic mail (Email): To comply with federal and state laws, Spoon River College retains all incoming and outgoing email received on the College’s email system for a period of three years.  The emails older than three years will be automatically purged (deleted) from the system with no exceptions. This includes inbox and all the folders in the user account.Each office / department is expected to save any emails into a different format or removable media that must be retained beyond three years in order to comply with the federal, state or local laws, directives or for any other reasons.