Last updated on April 3, 2023
POLICY: Spoon River College ensures a standard process for the retention and disposal of physical and electronic files.
This policy applies to all Spoon River College employees.
Institutional & legal records | Articles of incorporation | Permanent |
Institutional & legal records | By-laws | Permanent |
Institutional & legal records | Licenses | Active |
Institutional & legal records | Expired licenses | 6 years |
Institutional & legal records | Deeds & titles | Permanent |
Institutional & legal records | Attorney opinion letters | Active + 4 years |
Institutional & legal records | Leases | Active + 6 years |
Institutional & legal records | Policy statements | 10 years |
Institutional & legal records | Contracts | Active + 4 years |
Litigation records | Claims | Active |
Litigation records | Court documents & records | Active |
Litigation records | Deposition transcripts | Active |
Litigation records | Discovery materials | Active |
Litigation records | Litigation files | Active + 2 years |
Litigation records | Licenses | Active |
Litigation records | Expired licenses | 6 years |
Litigation records | Deeds & titles | Permanent |
Litigation records | Attorney opinion letters | Active + 4 years |
Litigation records | Leases | Active + 6 years |
Litigation records | Policy statements | 10 years |
Litigation records | Contracts | Active + 4 years |
Institutional records | Incident Reports | 5 years |
Accounts Payable | Purchase requisition | 4 years |
Accounts Payable | Invoices | 4 years |
Accounts Payable | Accounts payable ledgers | 4 years |
Accounts Payable | Payment / disbursement records | 4 years |
Accounts Payable | Expense reports | 4 years |
Accounts Receivable | Accounts receivable | 4 years |
Accounts Receivable | Accounts receivable ledgers | 4 years |
Accounts Receivable | Receipts | 4 years |
Accounts Receivable | Uncollected accounts | Permanent |
Accounts Receivable | Collection Records | Active |
Accounts Receivable | Tuition and fee charges | 5 years after date of last attendance |
Financial Aid | Accounting closeouts | Active + 4 years |
Financial Aid | Account ledgers | Active + 4 years |
Financial Aid | Balance sheets | Active + 4 years |
Financial Aid | General ledgers | Active + 4 years |
Financial Aid | Auditors reports | Active + 4 years |
Financial Aid | Bid files | 10 years |
Financial Aid | DL and federal grant reporting | End of award year report submitted + 3 years |
Financial Aid | FISAP records | End of award year report submitted + 3 years |
Reporting files and documentation | ISAC gift assistance programs | End of award year last attended + 3 years |
Student Files | Grant recipients | End of award year + 3 years |
Student Files | ISAC gift assistance programs | End of award year last attended + 3 years |
Student Files | Loan recipients | End of last award year attended + 3 years |
Applicant Records (not hired) | Application | 1 year |
Applicant Records (not hired) | Background investigation | 1 year |
Applicant Records (not hired) | References and letters of recommendation | 1 year |
Applicant Records (not hired) | Resume / Cover letter | 1 year |
Applicant Records (not hired) | Transcripts | 1 year |
Benefits | Incentive plans | Permanent |
Benefits | Retirement benefits accrued | Permanent |
Benefits | Retirement plans | Permanent |
Benefits | Sick leave benefits | Permanent |
Benefits | Summary plan descriptions | Permanent |
Benefits | Vendor correspondence | 4 years |
Benefits | Vesting | Permanent |
Blood borne pathogen records | Employee exposure records | Active + 30 years |
Blood borne pathogen records | Exposed employee medical records | Active + 30 years |
Blood borne pathogen records | Training records | Active + 30 years |
Blood borne pathogen records | Vaccination records | Active + 30 years |
Compensation | Salary lists | Permanent |
Compensation | Surveys | 4 years |
Compliance | Regulatory agencies | 4 years |
Employee Relations | Events | 4 years |
Employee Relations | Exit interviews | 4 years |
Employment listings | Position advertisement | 4 years |
Employment listings | Position vacancy notice | 4 years |
Immigration | Visa sponsorship, legal, etc. | Active + 4 years |
Job Descriptions | Superseded job descriptions | 4 years |
Labor Relations | Collective bargaining agreements | Permanent |
Labor Relations | Correspondence with executive committee | Permanent |
Labor Relations | Grievances | Permanent |
Labor Relations | Layoffs | Permanent |
Labor Relations | Legal counsel | Permanent |
Labor Relations | Memorandum of agreement | Permanent |
Labor Relations | Negotiation records | Permanent |
Labor Relations | Seniority lists | Permanent |
Legal | Investigations (non-civil rights discrimination/Title IX) | 4 years OR (Where a charge or lawsuit is filed, all relevant records must be kept until "final disposition.") |
Legal | Investigations (civil rights discrimination/Title IX) | Permanent |
Legal | Litigation | 4 years OR (Where a charge or lawsuit is filed, all relevant records must be kept until "final disposition.") |
Misc Employee Records | Employee directories | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (applicant) | Employment applications | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (applicant) | Employment authorization | Active + until retirement or death |
Personnel files (applicant) | Letters of recommendation | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (applicant) | Promotion authorization | Active + until retirement or death |
Personnel files (applicant) | Resumes | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (applicant) | Transcripts | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (compensation) | Attendance Records | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (compensation) | Contracts | Active + until retirement or death |
Personnel files (compensation) | Garnishments | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (compensation) | Payroll deductions | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (compensation) | Time sheets | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (compensation) | W-2 form | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (compensation) | W-4 form | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (compensation) | Wage or salary history | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (confidential) | Background investigation results | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (confidential) | Beneficiary designation | Active + 6 years |
Personnel files (confidential) | Disability records | Active + 6 years OR (Where a charge or lawsuit is filed, all relevant records must be kept until "final disposition.") |
Personnel files (confidential) | Employment physical examinations | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (confidential) | FMLA records | Active + 6 years |
Personnel files (confidential) | I-9 form and documents | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (confidential) | Medical records | Active + 6 years |
Personnel files (education/training) | Education assistance | Active + 6 years |
Personnel files (education/training) | Horizontal advancement documents (faculty only) | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (education/training) | Training certificates of completion | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (misc) | Acknowledgement forms | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (misc) | Correspondence | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (misc) | Emergency contacts | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (misc) | Employment history | Active + until retirement or death |
Personnel files (misc) | Layoff / termination notice | Active + until retirement or death |
Personnel files (performance) | Course evaluation forms | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (performance) | Disciplinary warnings / actions | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (performance) | Employee evaluations | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (performance) | Faculty committee evaluation reports | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (performance) | Peer review documents | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (performance) | Scholastic evaluation | Active + 4 years |
Personnel files (performance) | Tenure records | Active + 4 years |
Policies and Procedures | Manuals | Permanent |
Policies and Procedures | Manuals (File of revisions - dated) | Permanent |
Safety | Accident reports | Active + 30 years |
Safety | Employee injury records | Active + 30 years |
Safety | Workman’s compensation | Active + 30 years |
Training | Training programs | 4 years |
Unemployment | Unemployment claims | 4 years |
Foundation / Institutional publications | Alumni newsletters | 3 years |
Foundation / Institutional publications | Alumni directories | 3 years |
Foundation / Institutional publications | Foundation board minutes | Permanent |
Grants | Applications | 5-7 years determined by grant |
Grants | Awards | 5-7 years determined by grant |
Grants | Amendments to grants | 5-7 years determined by grant |
Grants | Quarterly reports | 5-7 years determined by grant |
Grants | Annual reports | 5-7 years determined by grant |
Institutional records | Board of Trustees meeting agendas / minutes | Permanent |
Institutional records | College Senate CSB’s | Permanent |
Institutional records | Institutional historical documents (college catalogs, photographs, negatives, yearbooks, media items) | Permanent |
Institutional records | Institutional newspapers / newsletters | 1 year for hard copy (central place for historical copies). Archived copies located in Marketing office. |
Institutional records | North Central Report of Spoon River College | Permanent |
Institutional records | Spoon River College self-study reports | Permanent |
Institutional records | EEO-6 reports | 3 years |
Institutional records | IDES reports | 1 quarter |
Institutional records | Payroll reports | 4 years |
Institutional records | Unit cost | 1 year |
Institutional records | W2’s | 5 years |
Institutional records | A1’s | 2 years on mainframe |
Institutional records | E1’s | 3 years on mainframe |
Institutional records | RAMP | 2 years on PC hard drive |
Institutional records | S2, S6, S7 | 3 years on mainframe |
Institutional records | Mid-term rosters | 6 years (including current fiscal year) in hard copy format |
Institutional records | Minutes of Board of Trustee meetings | Permanent |
Application materials for students who enter | Applications | Permanent |
Application materials for students who enter | Entrance exams & placement scores | Permanent |
Application materials for students who enter | Course catalogs | Permanent |
Application materials for students who enter | High School transcripts | Permanent |
Application materials for students who enter | College transcripts & evaluation | Permanent |
Applications for students who are accepted but do not enter | Applications | 1 year after application term |
Applications for students who are accepted but do not enter | Transcripts | 1 year after application term |
Financial aid records | Applications | 3 years from last day of award year for which the aid was awarded |
Financial aid records | Financial aid awards and reports | 3 years from last day of award year for which the aid was awarded |
Financial aid records | Loan Records | 3 years from last day of award year |
Individual student records | Course add / drop slips | 1 year |
Individual student records | Registration forms | 1 year |
Individual student records | Transcript requests | 1 year |
Individual student records | FERPA requests | 1 year |
Individual student records | Academic records | Permanent |
Individual student records | Advanced placement | 5 years after date of last attendance |
Individual student records | Application for graduation | 1 year after date of last attendance |
Individual student records | Foreign student (I-20) forms | 5 years after date of last attendance |
Individual student records | Date of graduation / degree award | Permanent |
Individual student records | Degree audit records | 5 years after date of last attendance |
Individual student records | Transfer credit evaluations | Permanent |
Individual student records | Personal data forms | 1 year after date of last attendance |
Individual student records | Name change authorizations | 5 years after date of last attendance |
Individual student records | Student athlete records / letters of interest | 2 years after last day of attendance |
Individual student records | Student conduct records / adjudication documents | 2 years after last day of attendance |
Individual student records | Student disability records / Intake and accommodation documents | 5 years after date of last attendance |
Misc. Student Records | Student written complaints | 1 year |