3.5.10 - Employment of Part-time Faculty

Last updated on August 19, 2024

POLICY:  The President of the College is authorized to employ part-time credit, non-credit, and vocational skill (VSK) faculty based on the needs of the College and within the approved budget, including employing full-time staff as part-time faculty.

Consult the Policies and Procedures Manual and the Faculty Support Site located in the LMS for additional information relevant to part-time faculty.


This policy applies to qualified applicants and employees of Spoon River College hired to teach courses on a part-time basis.


  1. Minimum Qualifications for Part-Time Faculty: The College generally hires part-time faculty with the appropriate credentials and qualifications.
  2. Teaching Load Limits for Part-Time Faculty: The College limits the total number of credit hours a part-time faculty can teach to a maximum of nine (9) credit hours per academic semester (including interim sessions).
  3. Pay Scale for Part-Time Faculty: Spoon River College provides compensation to part-time faculty based on level of experience or equivalent occupational experience.
    1. Upon hire, part-time faculty are automatically assigned as Level 1 on the part-time faculty salary schedule unless the part-time faculty provides documentation from a current or previous employer verifying the semesters taught, credits taught, or equivalent occupational experience prior to the first day of employment with Spoon River College.
    2. After hire, the Human Resources Office tracks semesters and credits taught at Spoon River College. The part-time faculty may provide updated documentation from another employer(s) which may be considered toward Level 2 on the part-time salary schedule.  The part-time faculty member will be moved to Level 2 on the part-time faculty salary schedule the academic term following meeting the requirements of Level 2 pay.
    3. As part of the SRC budget process, the pay scale is periodically updated. A current rate schedule is available in the Human Resources Office.
      Transfer and Occupational Courses
      Level 1:  0-8 semesters or 0-36 credits of college teaching experience or equivalent occupational experienceSee Human Resources for rate
      Level 2:  9+ semesters or 37 or more credits teaching experience or equivalent occupational experience.See Human Resources for rate
      Open Laboratory and Contact Hour Faculty
      Level 1:  0-8 semesters of 0-36 credits or college teaching experience or equivalent occupational experienceSee Human Resources for per hour rate
      Level 2:  9+ semesters or 37 or more credits teaching experience or equivalent occupational experience.See Human Resources for per hour rate
      Independent Study Courses
      Part-time faculty teaching an independent study course will receive either a flat per credit per student fee or a flat per student fee for a three credit course.See Human Resources for flat fee schedule
      Personal Enrichment Non-Credit CoursesSee Human Resources for per hour rate
      Professional Development Non-Credit CoursesSee Human Resources for per hour rate
      Professional development programs, conferences, seminars, and workshops expected to have higher costs or valueNegotiated Fee
      Pay Scale and Benefits for Part-Time Vocational Skill Faculty
      Level I: QualifiedSee Human Resources for rate
      Level II: 8 semesters of College level or equivalent teachingSee Human Resources for rate
  4. Full-time Employees Employed as Part-Time Faculty: An employee's status as Exempt (per the Fair Labor Standards Act) or Non-Exempt (per the Fair Labor Standards Act) may prohibit them from performing multiple jobs at the College due to the impact of overtime.  Academic Administrators and Division Chairs can consult with Human Resources Department to determine an employee's exempt status.  Academic Administrators must have approval from the President before offering contracts to non-exempt staff.
    When full-time employees are employed to teach part-time during their regular, full-time work hours, they may not receive additional pay.  When employees are assigned outside or in addition to their regular full-time work hours, they may receive additional compensation at the established part-time faculty rates.  Employees must receive supervisory approval prior to acceptance of any part-time faculty position.
  5. Fringe Benefits:
    1. State University Retirement System (SURS): Eligible part-time faculty participate in SURS according to the eligibility requirements under SURS (refer to the College’s Retirement policy for SURS eligibility requirements).
    2. Paid Leave Benefit: Part-time faculty are eligible fpr paid leave under policy 3.3.19.
  6. Availability to Students: Part-time faculty are to maintain adequate office hours for assistance to students or establish a time to be available to assist students outside the regular class time.
  7. Professional Development: Part-time faculty (excluding non-credit and VSK faculty) are invited to attend College sponsored professional development and staff training programs.  Part-time faculty may apply for professional development funds.
  8. Evaluation of Part-time Credit Faculty: Part-time faculty are evaluated by their supervising administrator or their designee according to the Part-time faculty Evaluation policy.
  9. Evaluation of Non-Credit and Vocational Skills Faculty:  Student evaluations are conducted each session of instruction and are maintained in the Community Outreach Offices.