11.21 - Waste

Last updated on April 25, 2023

POLICY: To provide general procedures to all employees who may handle waste.


This policy applies to all Spoon River College employees, students, and contractors.


Waste (aka Solid Waste): The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines solid waste as garbage, refuse, sludge, or other discarded material (including solids, semisolids, liquids, and contained gaseous materials).

Hazardous Waste: According to the EPA, hazardous waste is solid waste that is specifically named on one of four lists of hazardous wastes (List F, K, P or U) or if they exhibit one of four characteristics. For the purpose of this policy List F and K do not apply.

  1. Listed Wastes:
  2. Characteristic Wastes: Even if the waste stream does not meet any of the four listings explained above, it may still be considered a hazardous waste if it exhibits one of four characteristics: ignitability (D001), corrosivity (D002), reactivity (D003) and toxicity (D004-D043).


  1. Employees are prohibited from disposing of any hazardous waste materials in the trash dumpsters or by pouring the material down any drain or sewer. Always assume the waste material is a hazardous.
  2. The mixture of any quantity of hazardous waste with a non-hazardous waste is prohibited. Per the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) “mixture rule” the whole amount becomes hazardous once mixed) (example: used oil mixed with parts cleaning solvents or other hazardous wastes).
  3. Do not allow rainwater to get into any waste container or add a liquid to a waste container. Wastes containing free liquids cannot be land filled and must be disposed in another manner, generally at much greater cost.
  4. Hazardous wastes may ONLY be shipped to a permitted facility.
  5. All employees involved with hazardous waste management are trained on the proper disposal of hazardous waste.
  6. All contractors involved with hazardous waste management are required possess and comply with their own Waste Management Program, which must be in compliance with OSHA regulations (where applicable).
  7. Store all hazardous wastes properly while maintained on-site:
    1. at a designated storage location.
    2. in DOT approved containers.
    3. ensure that containers are in good condition (no physical damage, corrosion, etc.).
    4. containers are compatible with the waste to be stored.
    5. containers are handled in a manner that will not cause the container to spill or leak.
    6. containers are kept closed at all times, except to add or remove waste, segregate containers of incompatible wastes and maintain adequate aisle space between container rows to allow access for firefighting or spill control.
    7. inspect containers regularly.
    8. mark all containers with the date accumulation began (date filled).
    9. label all containers with the words, “Hazardous Waste.”