11.19 - Tobacco and Vapor Free Policy

Last updated on April 25, 2023

POLICY: In compliance with Illinois Public Act 095-0017 and Public Act 098-0985, and also motivated by our desire to provide a healthy work and educational environment, Spoon River College prohibits tobacco or unregulated nicotine products (e.g., “e-cigarettes”) on all college property (including buildings, grounds, parking lots, and vehicles that are owned or operated by Spoon River College).


This policy applies to all Spoon River College employees and students during work, class, or during any activity involving the College.  In addition, visitors, vendors, contractors, and all other non-employees are expected to recognize and comply with this policy.


Smoke: Carrying, smoking, burning, inhaling, or exhaling of any kind of pipe, cigar, cigarette, hookah, weed, herbs, or other lighted smoking equipment.  Also includes products containing or delivering nicotine intended or expected for human consumption.

Tobacco: Any product containing nicotine whose leaves are prepared for smoking or chewing or as snuff.


  1. Tobacco, including, but not limited to unregulated nicotine products (e.g., “e-cigarettes”) on college property is prohibited.
  2. Tobacco is prohibited in any College owned or leased vehicle.
  3. “No tobacco/vaping” signs are posted in compliance with state law.
  4. Information regarding tobacco/vapor free campus is available on the College’s website.
  5. This prohibition shall not apply to any instance in which an individual is traveling through a campus in a vehicle that is not owned by Spoon River College. While smoking is prohibited on all SRC property, students, employees, and visitors may smoke in their own parked vehicle or in another parked vehicle, with the owner’s permission, as long as the doors, windows/vent windows, and convertible top of the vehicle remain closed. Smoking materials, as described above, shall be extinguished in the vehicles.
  6. Employees and students in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.